mercredi 21 mars 2007

Another go at La Plage Brutal ...

Looks like there's another chance coming up tomorrow for la plage Brutal ...

lundi 19 mars 2007

Sunday, March 18th, Brutal Beach, Marseille

An unbelievable day at Six Fours, Toulon - not Marseille, but close. Don't have the time to elaborate on this, but will dump a load of shots here..

After too long a drive - from Nice - I managed to get to this bespoken place .. which also happened to have a hill right next to the breakers which allowed me to overlook the entire bay and more or less point the lens straight down *over* the surfers at the break .. if you've ever tried to shoot action/windsurfing photos you know this doesn't happen very often..

It doesn't really get any better than this, does it?